
A blog is a mandatory piece of your online puzzle. Search engines love blogs because they are easy for their spiders to read, they are updated often with content, and are very easy
to modify.
You should post to your blog at least twice per week. If you are talking about something on your main site, link to it. You have a link list on the sidebar of your blog. Use it to link to all of your sites that have a common subject with your blog. Avoid posting links to sites you don’t own. Your goal with your blog is to rank well for your main terms and funnel your customers into your website. This means no adsense and no affiliate links for your main blogs. Creating a blog for
adsense and affiliate sales is easy and should be held separately from your main blog.

Your posts should be from 200 – 1000 words and contain truly valuable information for your potential customer. This gives them a reason to come back and see what you’re
talking about next.

Every time you blog, you must ping. Wordpress has an auto-ping feature and it will ping for you automatically. Hosted blogs do not. These pings will have you listed in the largest blogging directories online. Here are the ping services I use: