Blogging Plan - Day 2

On the first day we decided the niche and the domain we want.

Day 2 – Get Wordpress Set-up

Objective: To get a hosting account and set-up your Wordpress blog. Then, write a post to introduce it to the world.

Now it’s time to get web hosting. Since this is your first site, go to Hostgator or any other webhosting company you like and choose the most affordable hosting package. You can always upgrade later. Pay for the hosting on a half-yearly or yearly basis to save cost.

Your hosting company will send you an email containing details on how to access you account which included information on a primary and secondary nameserver, which may look like this:

Just search your emails for the words “ns1” and “ns2” and you should be able to find this.

Login to your domain registrar and click on your domain name. On the right will be a section for DNS settings. Enter your DNS address here and save it. This is done to point your address (domain name) to your home (hosting).

Login to your hosting account’s Cpanel and click around the various buttons just to see what they’re about.

Now look for the “Fantastico” function, and use it to set-up your blog. You can either set up your Wordpress on the main domain itself, or on a subfolder if you want to use the main page for something else.

Login to your Wordpress account. You can do this by going to If you installed WP on a subfolder, go to

You will see a default post and comment and you can delete both. Next, go to your Blogroll, and you can also delete all the default links that appear there.

Go to Write > Post and create your first post in WP. Just say something about the topic you’re going to write about. Click on “Publish” to make the post go live on your blog. Explore the other function on your blog. Just click around to get familiar with Wordpress.

Put everything aside and take a rest.

Next Day...