On the third day we configured our Wordpress blog.
Day 4 – Adding Content and Building Structure
Objective: Create categories, and add 10 new posts to your Wordpress blog.
Before you start writing, register for a Technorati account and follow the procedures to “claim”
your blog. Spend some time setting up your profile including uploading a picture of yourself, and choosing the most appropriate keywords for your blog.
Next, go to Options > Writing and insert the list of “ping sites” into the text box right at the bottom. When you post content, these sites will be notified and they in return will inform search engines about your new content.
Login to Wordpress and go to Manage > Categories and create a few categories related to your topic. You can also rename the default category if you want, but make sure every category you create is based on your keyword research file. In other words, try to use your second tier keywords as your category names.
Go to Write > Post and create one new post for your blog. Keep your posts as targeted as possible. Your keyword research data should give you an idea of what people type for in search engines, so create posts based on these keywords. Remember to implement good SEO, and use
a keyword in the title of your blog post whenever possible.
Under the “Tags” column, write a few keywords that describe your content, each separated by a comma. Make sure your keywords are not longer than 3 words. When you’re done, click on “Publish”.
About 15 minutes later, check if your post is syndicated on Technorati based on the tag(s) you used. You should type this into the browser:
If your tag has two words, it should have a hyphen (-) between them.
Post at least 5 new posts today, but you do not need to publish all posts immediately as that would create an imbalance of content on your blog.
On the left of your screen, look for the “Post Timestamp” option. Check the “Edit Timestamp” option, and select a day and time in the future. Then click on “Publish” and your post will only be live on your blog on the selected time and date.
By doing this you can maintain a uniform level of daily content on your blog, even though you may be writing them all in one day.
For the next 3 days, try to add at least 2-3 new posts every day. Your posts can be about 400-600 words in length, there’s no need to write content that is too long. Focus on just delivering the message of the post, as well as putting in important keywords in each post.
Next Day...